重庆 四脚锥阻浪石模具 防浪石模具 介绍
四脚锥阻浪石模具通常由四个角部组件、底部组件和顶盖组件组成。每个角部组件都包括一个直角三角形的前板和一个斜边形的后板,前板上设置有通孔,后板上设置有与通孔相对应的凸起。底部组件由一个底板和四个立柱组成,底板上设置有与四个通孔相对应的四个凹槽,立柱上设置有与四个凸起相对应的四个螺纹孔。顶盖组件则包括一个顶板和四个斜支撑杆,顶板上设置有中心孔,斜支撑杆上设置有与四个凹槽相对应的四个螺纹孔。预制生产制作的时候,需要先检查一下模具是否干净,模具内有杂物需要清理一下,然后在刷上一层机油起到隔离作用,将商砼灌入模具内,用振动棒将模具内的气泡振出,在将浇筑好的模具防止阴凉处晾干,之后进行脱模即可。四脚锥阻浪石模具可以进行长时间的使用,在后期的养护得当的条件下可以达到三百次的加工次数,并且阻浪石的尺寸是是多样化的,在具体的施工时候在模具的表面涂抹上一层无污染的颜料,可以增添阻浪石的美观性,而且阻浪石可以大批的放置在沿海一侧,起到很好的保护作用。The four-legged cone wave-blocking stone mold can be used for a long time, and the processing times can reach 300 times under the condition of proper maintenance in the later stage, and the size of the wave-blocking stone is diversified, and the surface of the mold is smeared with a layer of non-polluting pigment during the specific construction, which can increase the aesthetics of the wave-blocking stone, and the wave-blocking stone can be placed on the coastal side in large quantities, which plays a good protective role.