四川 隧道卧式涵洞模具 水泥箱涵模具
隧道卧式涵洞模具主要适用于常规中小型管廊构件,且对生产现场吊装高度要求较低,混凝土预制箱涵模具可在车间生产,成型效果好,尺寸准确,隧道卧式涵洞模具结构设计合理,开合模操作方便,性能稳定可靠,构件成型效果好。隧道卧式涵洞模具构件之间设置管廊专用密封条,密封性能好,生产过程中不漏浆,构件成型外观质量高。为了确保模具在使用过程中的安全性,模具的接口部分采用了特殊设计,确保连接紧密,不会发生松动或脱落。模具还配备了防滑装置,使施工过程中的危险因素降到Zui低。此外,模具在生产过程中,也符合相关的安全标准和要求。The tunnel horizontal culvert mold is mainly suitable for conventional small and medium-sized pipe gallery components, and has low requirements for the lifting height on the production site. The concrete prefabricated box culvert mold can be produced in the workshop, with good forming effect and accurate dimensions. The structure design of the tunnel horizontal culvert mold is reasonable, the mold opening and closing operation is convenient, the performance is stable and reliable, and the component forming effect is good.