全国服务热线 15720001423

四川 公路两侧防撞墙模具 水泥预制防撞墙模具

发布时间: 2024-04-23 09:56 更新时间: 2024-04-23 09:56

公路建设中,为了保护行车安全,防止车辆发生碰撞和漫无边际地飞出公路,设置路边水泥防撞墙是必不可少的。而为了制造这样的防撞墙,公路两侧防撞墙模具应运而生。模具采用现浇的制作方式,将模具放置在所需位置,调节拉杆长度使所有使用模具的宽度一致。然后使用电动扳手将每节模具间的螺丝拧紧,检查各节模具间是否紧密连接,以防止灌浆后漏浆影响防撞墙模板的质量。接下来,用混凝土搅拌车将混凝土搅拌均匀,隔段注入模具内,再用震动棒充分震动,以免产生气泡影响防撞墙的坚固性。此外,在选择现浇浇筑公路两侧防撞墙模具时,还需要考虑模板的防锈性能。产品表面经过镀锌处理,能够有效地防止模板锈蚀,延长使用寿命。还在模具表面采用特殊的防腐涂层,能够抵御日晒雨淋等外部环境的侵蚀,确保模具的长期稳定性。公路两侧防撞墙模具的使用不仅提高了施工效率,降低了成本,还为公路防护提供了强有力的支持。When selecting the cast-in-place pouring crash wall mold on both sides of the highway, the anti-rust performance of the formwork also needs to be considered. The surface of the product is galvanized, which can effectively prevent the corrosion of the template and prolong the service life. A special anti-corrosion coating is also used on the surface of the mold, which can resist the erosion of the external environment such as sun and rain, and ensure the long-term stability of the mold. The use of crash wall molds on both sides of the highway not only improves the construction efficiency and reduces the cost, but also provides strong support for highway protection.


  • 地址:河北省保定市莲池区东金庄乡后辛庄村
  • 电话:15720001423
  • 联系人:王刚
  • 手机:15720001423
  • 微信:15720001423