四川 混凝土预制箱涵模具 雨水箱涵模具
混凝土预制箱涵模具主要是根据城市地下管廊的施工需要而设计的。对于避免重复挖掘道路,减少城市视觉污染,保护城市市容环境,改善城市能源供应,保障城市安全运行,是一种新型的市政基础。模具采用优质钢材制作而成,其强度和耐久性远超传统木质模具。为了保证模具的精度和稳定性,在制作过程中采用了先进的数控机床技术,以确保每个模具的尺寸和形状都完全符合设计要求。 配备了密封橡胶垫,确保施工过程中的水泥浆料不会溢出,保持了施工现场的整洁和安全。在预制箱涵施工中,在预制场集中进行基础及涵节预制,将检测合格的基础及涵节吊运至施工现场。在施工现场开挖基坑成型后,先将基底处理完毕,再快速进行基础拼装,快速回填基坑,能有效减少基坑暴露时间,快速完成施工进度。此外,还在模具表面进行了特殊的处理,提高了耐磨性和防腐性,确保模具在恶劣环境下的持久性能。
In the construction of prefabricated box culverts, the foundation and culvert are prefabricated in the precast yard, and the foundation and culvert that pass the test are hoisted to the construction site. After the foundation pit is excavated at the construction site, the foundation is processed first, and then the foundation assembly is quickly carried out, and the foundation pit is quickly backfilled, which can effectively reduce the foundation pit exposure time and quickly complete the construction progress.
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