全国服务热线 15720001423

四川 混凝土管廊模具 路面管廊模具

发布时间: 2024-04-10 09:23 更新时间: 2024-04-10 09:23


In the manufacturing process, it is necessary to pay attention to some details, such as reserving installation holes with reasonable dimensions inside the mold, setting the release port for uniform demolding when the mold is loose, and paying attention to the fluidity of concrete during casting to ensure the formation of the comprehensive pipe gallery. It should be noted to process according to the process to avoid improper use, which may affect the lifespan of the mold. After processing, the mold should be placed in a dry warehouse. If the warehouse is not dry enough, the mold is very prone to damage. 


  • 地址:河北省保定市莲池区东金庄乡后辛庄村
  • 电话:15720001423
  • 联系人:王刚
  • 手机:15720001423
  • 微信:15720001423