全国服务热线 15720001423

四川 现浇地下管廊模具 箱涵管廊模具

发布时间: 2024-04-08 08:16 更新时间: 2024-04-08 08:16


In terms of material selection, high-quality materials with wear resistance and high temperature resistance are used to ensure the long service life and stability of the mold. This material has good corrosion resistance and can withstand various harsh environments, bringing more convenience and safety to construction. Fine tuned treatment has been applied to the design of the mold. Based on the actual construction needs, the molds were made into various specifications and sizes.


  • 地址:河北省保定市莲池区东金庄乡后辛庄村
  • 电话:15720001423
  • 联系人:王刚
  • 手机:15720001423
  • 微信:15720001423