四川 桥梁承台模板 预制水沟模板
在选择桥梁承台模板时,应该选择符合国家标准的模板材质,比如现浇塑料模板。现浇塑料模板具有防水、防霉等优点,同时也具有很好的强度和保温性能,可以保证桥梁承台的质量和安全。承台模板是现浇模板,结构很简单,模板在出厂前做了相应的序号标记,模板到达施工现场后将不同序号的模板分列出来,更方便安装,施工时,只需将模板按照图纸结构拼装即可。安装后的模板稳固牢靠,拼接缝严密不漏浆,模板与混凝土的接触面平整光滑。承台模板在拆模时不得硬砸,以免损伤模板和混凝土。拆下来的承台模板要摆放整齐,严禁人员站在模板上踩踏。The bearing platform template is a cast-in-place template with a simple structure. The template is marked with corresponding serial numbers before leaving the factory. After the template arrives at the construction site, different serial number templates are listed for easier installation. During construction, simply assemble the template according to the drawing structure. The installed template is stable and firm, with tight joints and no leakage of grout. The contact surface between the template and the concrete is flat and smooth.
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