四角锥防浪模具通常是由耐磨、耐腐蚀的材料制成,这样的材料不会受到海水、海浪、风化等因素的侵蚀,能够保证模具的使用寿命。模具的整体结构虽然看着复杂,但是在实际安装和脱模时较为简单,模具整体采用两片式设计,在操作灌浆时,需先将模具均匀涂抹足够的脱模剂,然后将模具立放,模具的一侧后焊接支架,将模具块用螺栓组装固定,大型模具的螺栓规格也较大,可采用电动的扳手进行加固,然后将混凝土车行驶至模具边通过上方口进行灌注,因模具的特殊结构,灌注混凝土可分次注入,使每一层的混凝土振捣到位再进行下一层灌注,完成后将模具口抹平,等待干燥脱模就可投入使用了。在四角锥防浪模具多次循环操作后难免会有一些划痕或者是锈蚀的情况,这些都是正常的使用痕迹不必过于担心,只要工人注意模具定期清理表面的泥浆残渣,以及在储存过程中按时检查并养护的话,钢模具的应用周期将会得到合理的延长。It is inevitable that there will be some scratches or rust after many cycle operations of the quadrangular cone waveproof mold, these are normal traces of use, do not worry too much, as long as the workers pay attention to the mold regularly clean the mud residue on the surface, and check and maintain it on time during the storage process, the application cycle of the steel mold will be reasonably extended.