1. 在使用过程中,需要避免模具受到过大的冲击力或振动,以免损坏模具。
2. 在模具使用完毕后,需要及时清理模具表面的杂物和污垢,保持其干净整洁。
3. 在存放模具时,需要选择干燥通风的地方,避免模具受潮或生锈。
In order to ensure the normal use and extend the service life of the pavement pipe gallery mold, it is necessary to carry out regular maintenance and upkeep. Specifically, the following points need to be noted:
1.During use, it is necessary to avoid excessive impact or vibration on the mold to avoid damaging it.
2. After the mold is used, it is necessary to clean the surface of the mold of debris and dirt in a timely manner to keep it clean and tidy.
3.When storing molds, it is necessary to choose a dry and ventilated place to avoid moisture or rust on the molds.