水泥方涵管廊模具是由一个或多个方形或矩形断面组成,一般由钢筋混凝土制成,施工一般采用现浇,在开挖好的沟槽内设置底层,浇筑一层混凝土垫层,再将加工好的钢筋现场绑扎,支内模和外模,较大的箱涵一般先浇筑底板和侧壁的下半部分,支好内外模,浇筑侧壁上半部分和顶板,待混凝土达到色剂要求的强度,拆除模具。采用自锁连接设计,安装简便,无需复杂的工具和操作。即使没有专业技术人员,也可以轻松完成模具的拼装和拆卸。使用该模具来进行脱模工作之前,需要在模具的两块钢板上都涂刷上用于加大模具光滑性的脱模剂,脱模剂其实是一种油性材料,该模具生产出来的产品在工程中能够长期来进行使用。并且水泥方涵管廊模具表面通常进行特殊的防粘性处理,以防止混凝土与模具表面粘连,使得拆模更加容易。Before using this mold for demolding work, it is necessary to apply demolding agent to both steel plates of the mold to increase the smoothness of the mold. The demolding agent is actually an oily material, and the products produced by this mold can be used for a long time in engineering. And the surface of the cement culvert pipe gallery mold is usually treated with special anti adhesive treatment to prevent adhesion between the concrete and the mold surface, making demoulding easier.