风电基础模板 , 风力发电基础模板 , 防撞墙模具 , 隔离墩模具
四川 沿海水泥缓浪块模具 中空式消波块模具
观看四川 沿海水泥缓浪块模具 中空式消波块模具视频:


Coastal cement slow wave block mould is mainly used in coastal city construction, especially in the area of coastline development, you can see rows of concrete products of different shapes, among which the four-legged hollow block, twisted king block four-legged vertebral body is used in a large number of wave-proof blocks. The mold is made of wear-resistant and corrosion-resistant materials, which will not be eroded by seawater, waves, weathering and other factors, and can ensure the service life of the mold.
