双仓电力箱涵模具是一种专门用于箱涵建设的模具,其特点是具有两个独立的舱室,可以同时进行两种不同类型的管道铺设。这种模具的设计可以大大提高箱涵建设的效率和质量,减少施工时间和成本,因此在城市建设中得到了广泛的应用。箱涵模具施工一般采用现浇,在开挖好的沟槽内设置底层,浇筑一层混凝土垫层,再将加工好的钢筋现场绑扎,支内模和外模,较大的箱涵一般先浇筑底板和侧壁的下半部分,再绑扎侧壁上部和顶板钢筋,支好内外模,浇筑侧壁上半部分和顶板。待混凝土达到设计要求的强度拆模,在箱涵两侧同时回填土。此外,双仓电力箱涵模具采用模块化设计,组装和拆卸非常方便。每个模块都具有较小的重量,便于搬运和安装,模具配备了快速连接装置,使模具在拼接过程中更加稳定和高效。模具表面平整光滑,不会对施工过程产生任何负面影响。在模具支持下,使施工过程将更加高效、快速。In addition, the double compartment power box culvert mold adopts a modular design, making assembly and disassembly very convenient. Each module has a smaller weight, making it easy to handle and install. The mold is equipped with a quick connection device, making the mold more stable and efficient during the splicing process. The surface of the mold is flat and smooth, which will not have any negative impact on the construction process. With the support of molds, the construction process will be more efficient and fast.