风电基础模板 , 风力发电基础模板 , 防撞墙模具 , 隔离墩模具
四川 双仓共同管沟钢模具 干线综合管廊模具

双仓共同管沟钢模具形状是固定的,是四方体的样式,由八个角组合而成。制作岀来的混凝土制品是在地下进行放置的,组成一个隧道、走廊,方便进行各种管道的放置,比如通讯管道、电力管道、水管等,配合地下建设所制作的,方便了工人进行入地下对各种管道进行检査与维修。模具采用优质的铸钢材料制造而成,确保模具在使用过程中的耐磨性和耐腐蚀性。模具的结构紧凑,并配备了方便拆卸和安装的连接件,使得模具的装拆过程变得更加简便快捷。在使用前对模具内腔进行刷油处理。刷油的目的主要是为了方便后续脱模操作,同时避免混凝土与模具之间产生过大的摩擦力导致模具损坏。在脱模后,应立即对模具外表进行清理、抛光以及打蜡处理,使其表面保持干净整洁,避免锈蚀、划痕等损伤。The shape of the double warehouse joint pipe trench steel mold is fixed, in a square style, composed of eight corners combined. The concrete products produced are placed underground, forming a tunnel and corridor for convenient placement of various pipelines, such as communication pipelines, power pipelines, water pipes, etc., in conjunction with underground construction, which facilitates workers to inspect and maintain various pipelines underground. The mold is made of high-quality cast steel material to ensure its wear resistance and corrosion resistance during use.
