在使用前对模具内腔进行刷油处理。刷油的目的主要是为了方便后续脱模操作,同时避免混凝土与模具之间产生过大的摩擦力导致模具损坏。在脱模后,应立即对模具外表进行清理、抛光以及打蜡处理,使其表面保持干净整洁,避免锈蚀、划痕等损伤。The integrated pipe gallery mold has a wide range of applications in urban infrastructure construction. Whether it is highways, rail transit, commercial areas, or residential areas, as long as there is a demand for underground pipeline layout, the presence of integrated pipe gallery molds can be seen. The appearance of the mold is very beautiful, presenting a wide top and narrow bottom style.