风电基础模板 , 风力发电基础模板 , 防撞墙模具 , 隔离墩模具
四川 骨架框架梁模板 现浇垫石模板


对于长期存放的模板,应进行适当的保护措施,如覆盖保护、防雨、防尘等,以防止模板受到自然环境的侵蚀和损坏。存放期间,应定期进行检查和维护,及时发现和处理模板的损坏或变形问题,确保模板的完好性和使用性能。Skeleton frame beam formwork is a commonly used beam formwork, characterized by simple structure, light weight, and convenient construction. The application range of skeleton frame beam formwork is wide, suitable for the construction of beams and slabs of different shapes and sizes. The construction operation of the template adopts the form of on-site pouring. The mold is transported to the construction site, and the construction personnel inspect the mold.
