公路墙式护栏模具在使用上相对来说是比较简单,采用的是螺栓螺丝扣设计,螺栓和螺杆用于固定钢模板的侧边连接。扣件用于固定上面双面模板的稳定性,混凝土凝固后,拆除螺丝、螺栓、扣件钢模板容易脱落,取出模板非常方便。The use of highway wall guardrail molds is relatively simple, using a bolt and screw buckle design, with bolts and screws used to fix the side connections of the steel template. Fasteners are used to secure the stability of the double-sided formwork on top. After the concrete solidifies, the steel formwork is easy to detach after removing screws, bolts, and fasteners, making it very convenient to remove the formwork.